Health & Wellness Tips

Choosing the Best Harness for Your Dog

Choosing the Best Harness for Your Dog

There are lots of factors to think about when choosing the best harness for your dog. Breed, size, and even age should be considered. Don't let all the choices get you overwhelmed~ Jake's knowledgable and experienced staff will patiently help you find the perfect fit!
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Build a Better Pet Food Bowl

Build a Better Pet Food Bowl

Imagine building an ice cream sundae for your dog - with all the toppings having nutritious benefits! That’s what building a better bowl is all about! Build your pet's food bowl from plain kibble to a meal with extra taste, moisture, and nutrition, using meal mixers, food toppers, elixirs, canned dog food, and more.
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Holistic Pet Food at Jake's Pet Supply

Holistic Pet Food

A holistic approach to life considers the body, mind, and social environment as inter-connected. It’s the realization that there can’t be balance for the whole being unless all the individual parts are nourished. For people living in Boca Raton, Delray Beach,...

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