Thanksgiving Favorites for Dogs

Thanksgiving Favorites for Dogs

Barkworthies Stuffed Shin Bone Pumpkin Sweet Potato 5-6 in

Barkworthies Stuffed Shin Bone Pumpkin Sweet Potato


from $3.99

These beef shins are stuffed with a pumpkin, sweet potato, and carrot mix to make them an extra special treat for your dog.

from $3.99
Barkworthies Stuffed Shin Bone Pumpkin Sweet Potato 5-6 in

Barkworthies Stuffed Shin Bone Peanut Butter


from $3.99

These beef shins are stuffed with peanut butter to make them an extra special treat for your dog.

from $3.99
Barkworthies Stuffed Shin Bone Pumpkin Sweet Potato 5-6 in

Barkworthies Stuffed Shin Bone Bully Blend


from $3.99

These beef shins are stuffed with a bully blend to make them an extra special treat for your dog.

from $3.99

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